
About me

Hello there! Welcome to my blog and thanks for dropping by. 

If you've been reading my blog, you will find that it is mostly about travel, food, my adventures, and some random stuff. I’m a frustrated food and travel writer, thus the beginning of streetsmartgirl

I am just your average jane surviving the real world one day at a time and making the most out of my life -- by doing anything that fancies me. 

Travel-Beach-Food-Writing are my addiction.

Born with a mole on my left foot, I believe that my vocation in life is to travel. I’ve always believed that it shouldn’t cost a fortune to be able to travel. Just here in the Philippines, the possibilities are endless. I couldn’t just leave Pinas yet until I’ve fully explored it. I am a certified lakwatsera. 

My Lakbayan grade is C+! From Lakbayan

I got C+! Although, I have gone to more places in the Philippines, the long list of must-go places never gets short. 

I am a certified beach bunny.  There's something about the smell and the air of the beach that never fail to get me excited.

I’m always on the lookout to try good food especially desserts :) Who doesn’t love eating?!  So I’m happy to share my food discoveries.

I love blogging because it keeps the stress away and distracts me from the so-called quarter-life crisis. If I don’t have a full-time day job, I’ll probably be blogging as much as I can. I find it therapeutic and a diversion from the routinary life. 

My bucket list for 2012 (which is just four months away, btw)
1)    Climb Southeast Asia’s highest peak, Mt Kinabalu.

2)    Make the big career move. 
3)    Still travel as much as I can because it's a vice I can't say no.
4)    Write..write..write

LIFE IS A VACATION. Make it a grand one :)

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